Association of Professionals (AOP) of NBRO organized an information session to introduce the Young Scientists Forum to young scientists of NBRO on Tuesday, 29th March 2016 at our auditorium. 

Officials of the National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) and members of the Steering Committee of Young Scientist Forum (YSF) of NASTEC were present to conduct this session. Ms. Asha Pitadeniya, Senior Scientist of NASTEC gave an introduction to the YSF describing the role of YSF and its relevance to young scientists. Then each of the members of Steering Committee introduced themselves, talked about the programmes that YSF conduct, advantages of holding a membership of YSF and opportunities for learning and career advancement after becoming a member, and then more importantly, welcomed NBRO young scientists to enroll as members of YSF.

 Young scientists in NBRO are now hopeful in joining the YSF.